The Farnsworth Group Appointed Managing Firm for the Home Improvement Research Institute until 2032

The Farnsworth Group Appointed Managing Firm for the Home Improvement Research Institute until 2032

With The Farnsworth Group select­ed by the HIRI Board to man­age HIRI for the fore­see­able future, efforts will be about invest­ing more into HIRI mem­bers and mak­ing a big­ger impact in the home improve­ment indus­try at large.

What start­ed in 1981 as a coop­er­a­tive between six of the largest home improve­ment man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers to pro­vide investor edu­ca­tion has evolved into the present day Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute (HIRI). HIRI is the lead­ing sec­ondary mar­ket research orga­ni­za­tion for over one hun­dred of the biggest names with­in the home improve­ment industry.

HIRI’s Lasting Role in the Home Improvement Industry

HIRI has always been a mem­ber-dri­ven, non­prof­it and as such, has also had a man­ag­ing firm appoint­ed by the Board of Direc­tors. This appoint­ment by the Board is based on the man­ag­ing firm’s abil­i­ty to dri­ve the mis­sion of HIRI for­ward and pro­vide valu­able indus­try exper­tise to members.

HIRI was found­ed in 1981 as the DIY Insti­tute by Brad Farnsworth, who lat­er found­ed The Farnsworth Group in 1989 as a for-prof­it, cus­tom mar­ket research firm serv­ing the home improve­ment and build­ing prod­uct industries.

Between the late 1980s and 2017, HIRI was man­aged by var­i­ous media and pub­lish­ing firms. Dur­ing that time The Farnsworth Group remained an impor­tant ally and sup­port­er of the HIRI organization.

Partnering with The Farnsworth Group

In 2017, the HIRI Board select­ed The Farnsworth Group as the man­ag­ing firm due to their 30+ years of indus­try research exper­tise and over 300 years of com­bined staff expe­ri­ence. Since being select­ed by the HIRI Board in 2017, The Farnsworth Group has ful­filled that stew­ard­ship role in earnest by grow­ing mem­ber­ship, improv­ing indus­try aware­ness, and deliv­er­ing qual­i­ty research.

The added val­ue HIRI mem­bers have seen in qual­i­ty of research and out­put over the last sev­er­al years has stemmed from The Farnsworth Group’s foun­da­tion of inter­nal cus­tom mar­ket research resources for con­duct­ing stud­ies and analy­sis along with decades of spe­cial­iz­ing in the home improve­ment indus­try, fos­ter­ing a rich under­stand­ing of the indus­try land­scape with which to inter­pret and present study find­ings to HIRI members.

Investing Further Into HIRI Members

Since 1989, The Farnsworth Group has been build­ing a team of experts for the build­ing prod­ucts, home improve­ment, and lawn & gar­den sec­tor by pro­vid­ing cus­tom research for man­u­fac­tur­ers, sup­pli­ers and retail­ers includ­ing the likes of Lowe’s, Home Depot, Husq­var­na, USG, Kohler, and Masco.

“We see an oppor­tu­ni­ty for con­ti­nu­ity, which yields bet­ter mem­ber expe­ri­ences, and con­ti­nu­ity requires a man­ag­ing firm that will care about the long-term out­comes of the HIRI orga­ni­za­tion over any­thing else,” men­tions Grant Farnsworth, Pres­i­dent of The Farnsworth Group.
​“Our team pro­vides high qual­i­ty mar­ket research, and our team CARES deeply about the out­comes mem­ber com­pa­nies expe­ri­ence based on deci­sions made from the research. We’re most excit­ed about the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tin­ue man­ag­ing HIRI for the fore­see­able future so that we can con­tin­ue to improve research depth and breadth for HIRI mem­bers.
As The Farnsworth Group, we’ve made new invest­ments in bring­ing on addi­tion­al indus­try experts, includ­ing Dave King, and resources to put more ener­gy behind the vol­ume and qual­i­ty of research all HIRI mem­bers will have access to.”

With The Farnsworth Group select­ed by the HIRI Board to man­age HIRI for the fore­see­able future and with Dave King's increased involve­ment, efforts will be about invest­ing more into HIRI mem­bers and mak­ing a big­ger impact in the home improve­ment indus­try at large.

Your com­pa­ny can join lead­ing com­pa­nies with on-demand and unlim­it­ed access to $1M in Home Improve­ment Indus­try Research. Book a mem­ber­ship con­sul­ta­tion through HIRI's website to learn more.

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